women wellness supplements

What is pH and Its Relation to Women Wellness Supplements

A pH level measures the acidity or alkaline of something and stands for “potential of hydration”. In relation to the human body, it is incredibly important to take note of a person’s pH levels as it will determine how effective a person’s body functions and is able to do its job. Different areas of our bodies have specific pH levels that they must stay in between to remain effective – including the stomach.
An imbalance in pH within any of these areas of a person’s body can lead to complications and adverse symptoms. It is crucial to understand how best to support your pH levels, how to identify if they might have become imbalanced, and how they affect your digestive system in specific. 

What is Stomach Acid and How Does It Impact Your Digestive Process?

Stomach acid, commonly known as gastric acid, is produced by your stomach’s lining and helps you break down the different foods and substances you consume as well as fights against potentially harmful bacteria. A more efficient digestive process allows your body to avoid complications and to help you to properly absorb nutrients from the foods you consume. 

In order to break down all the different substances you consume, your stomach acid has to be fairly acidic. While your body is equipped to handle the stomach acid levels, sometimes it can become imbalanced and the changes in stomach acid levels can cause issues. To get a better understanding of how pH levels work, one should know the lower the pH level, the more acidic a liquid is.

For comparison, pure water stands at a neutral level of around 7 whereas stomach acid can range closer to the 1 and 2 numbers. Due to its high acidity, stomach acid has the power to damage even your bones and teeth. The cells that release the acid into your stomach also release mucus that works to protect your inner lining from becoming hurt by the acid. 

Stress, certain medications, and other factors can all contribute to your stomach acid becoming unbalanced. When you have low levels of hydrochloric acid in your stomach acid, it can lead to indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, and gas. In order to treat this complication, some physicians might prescribe you a supplement containing hydrochloric acid.

On the other hand, high levels of hydrochloric acid can also cause a host of issues that tend to be treated with a change in diet or prescribed antibiotics. However, these are not the only routes to take to help regulate your stomach acid. Keep reading to find out certain lifestyle tips to maintain a healthy pH and stomach. 

Ways to Support Healthy pH Levels Across The Board 

Prioritize Healthy Eating Habits - The way we eat holds so much weight on how our bodies react to the food. Eating slowly and smaller meals more often rather than large meals can help your body adjust accordingly to the food rather than feel overwhelmed. It is also crucial to allow your body the chance to digest the food before laying down. The change in position of your body right after eating can contribute to heartburn and indigestion. 

Make Sure To Be Comfortable While Eating - Restrictive clothing can cause more than just discomfort; it can lead to abdominal pain and digestive complications. Instead, consider wearing stretchy pants that you feel comfortable in. 

Reduce Your Stress Levels - When you are stressed, the blood flow to your body decreases making you more susceptible to stomach acid complications. Stress causes a load of issues for your digestive tract and overall health that it is really crucial that you keep it at bay. It is easy to overlook the impact of emotions on other aspects of your health, but everything truly does go hand in hand. Find ways to destress that work for you and your routine. 

Be Mindful of Your Sleep Quality - Are you someone who sleeps on your stomach or the right side of your body? These positions can exacerbate acid reflux and mess with the stomach acid production in your body. Be mindful of how you are sleeping and be sure not to underestimate the importance of rest in general. 

Supplements That Will Help You Maintain Healthy pH Levels 

B vitamins ranging from B12 to B6 are wonderful options when it comes to supporting your pH levels. The b vitamins are known for supporting your cells and helping your body convert the food you consume into usable energy. Vitamin B6 in specific helps to neutralize the pH levels in your body. 

Probiotics – which are already known for their digestive health benefits – do more than act as a probiotic for bloating. A probiotic supplement actually can regulate the pH levels of the vagina. The beneficial bacteria that the probiotic has to offer helps to balance the pH levels in the vagina and can be especially helpful for those who might be experiencing an infection such as a yeast infection. In general, probiotic supplements such as Probiotic Renu, work to protect your overall health making it a powerhouse of a vitamin. In a similar fashion, probiotic rich foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha can all offer the same benefits. 

Staying hydrated is incredibly vital when it comes to your body successfully reaping the benefits from all of these healthy habits. Dehydration causes many issues and acts as a barrier between your body and beneficial substances. Your body will struggle with just about any action when it is experiencing dehydration. You might experience fatigue, constipation, and weakness – to name a few. If you struggle with drinking water, consider adding fruits or lemon to your water to make it more appealing. 

Lastly, consider finishing off your night with some herbal tea and ginger. These anti-inflammatory substances can act as a relaxing way to soothe your body and avoid making it feel irritated. We hope you learned more about the importance of stomach acid and how best to maintain it!

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